
Agito partners with ADO Icarus

ADO Icarus chose Agito Websolutions as their partner for their upcoming webprojects. In the short term, Agito will realize the new company website for ADO Icarus and the website for "Fokus op emancipatie".
Agito is very happy with this cooperation that clearly opens up perspective for the future.

To be continued...


Last post: may 25th... Awch.

It has been more than 5 months since my last blog-post... That's a little bit awkward. Well I'll try and explain what happened the last couple of months.

Just 5 days after the last post, I joined CSC. One of the largest consulting companies in the world. I got a position as a functional analyst in the financial governmental institute in Belgium, where I'm currently leading the functional team of my project. This requires a lot of my time, so I guess that's one of the explanations...

Next however, Agito is still moving steadily ahead. We launched www.decometa.com and www.kinderrechtenhuis.be, and accomplished some smaller assignments.

Last week, we won the biggest assignment since our launch: we competed in a public RFP for the building of an interface on an existing database (called DoDesign). We received this governmental RFP thanks to our work for iDiscover, but found out very quickly the assignment was simply too extensive to do by ourselves. Therefor we looked for a strategic alliance with a company nearby to prepare a proposal. Together with KiXX, we were selected as the best offer!

I'll try and keep you updated on progress!


Positioning divs

You're never old enough to learn I guess... I was strugling today in positioning divs over eachother, when I ran into this explanation on a forum...
My comprehension of "position: absolute" was definitely different, (certainly with respect to its relation to "position relative") and this will certainly come in handy in the future...



Not much has appeared on this blog the last month, some explanations:
- Last project (KinderRechtenHuis) was finished succesfully
- We are in a preparation phase with our new customer (Decometa)
- We are in a discussion phase with two other potentials (still confidential)
- I'm in a deciding phase of my job hunt (CSC)
- I went to visit Prague (pics on my facebook page)

We'll keep you updated...


UTF-8 and $€%' ... strange characters

For our latest project, we integrate software written by other developers (brrr)... A lot of character and encoding issues arose, but the combination of practices on this interesting page magically solved them all... The UTF-8 database, showed normal characters, but the output in html was a disaster.

It also mentions some good practices and tips. In the future, PHP 6 should solve all encoding problems automatically...


Reset CSS

A nice starter when creating XHTML + CSS from design documents can be found at: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/.
This makes sure your basic html looks the same in all browsers. Very convenient to overcome Internet Explorer problems...


Embedding Google Calendar

When looking for an easy-to-use calendar to show availabilities of a campspot, we bumped into Google Calendar (again :)).
With the google account our customer already uses for Google Analytics, they can create a calendar. This calendar can easily be embedded in any website, and customized to the specific needs (e.g. set backgroundcolor and start with month-view).
One other nice feature: when you make the calendar public, your calendar is to be found in Google, adding extra visibility on yet another channel.